Saturday, June 16, 2007

I'm new to Etsy, so I don't have any sales/feedback yet, but I am really loving having this shop to put my stuff on. It's really fun to be able to create and post it for others to see and I know that someone is going to love these things as much as I do. I feel like I have especially needed this creative outlet recently.

I'm not sure if I have baby blues (for those of you who don't know me, I recently had my third baby.), but I have been extremely moody a lot lately. It's not really that I'm sad, it's more that I get mad a whole lot easier. I loose my patience with my kids more than normal and I have felt really bad about it. (That's why I really have needed that craft time for myself at night. I need some kid-free time to relax.)

Since I've been "the mother of the year" (YA RIGHT!) I've been trying to do fun activites with my kids to show them that I love them and that I'm sorry for being so grumpy. I thought it might be fun to share ideas with you to help with those "I'm bored" moments that we hear in the summer. They aren't anything new, just things we like to do:

We've made homemade playdough (which I think I might do for some play kits and put on Etsy.) which Hannah of course promptly mixed all the colors "to make a cake" so I'll have to make some more for her.

We've made collages from magazine pictures. This is one of Hannah's favorite things to do. I have a box of things that I cut out of all sorts of magazines, everything from Parenting, Better Homes and Gardens, and The Friend, to catologs gets cut up to put their favorite things in the box. They like to go through it and pick out what they're into at that point. Luke's actually learning to say more new words by looking through the box with me too. I even let Luke do the glue stick this time too.

Another way to get to look at my magazines and play with the kids is to play "I spy" while I'm going through them. They usually find pretty cool details that I don't notice and sometimes things that will inspire a project.

Sidewalk chalk is always fun and Hannah has really been into drawing our family lately. It's pretty cute and she is becoming quite the artist. She also has helped me make cookies. So it's not like I'm trying to be an awful mom, I just really hope this hormonal roller coaster passes soon and things get back to normal.


Maria said...

you should totally put everything on one blog....if you want to. Wow, your cars tote is super super cute!!! i love it. cant wait to get home and start sewing! love you

The Wooden Spool said...

Looks like you're all havin fun over here! Happy summer!!!

Saucy said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog! Too bad about that dollhouse your mother had! Oh, the one that got away!!!

Sounds like you've got some excellent coping skills in spite of being a little overwhelmed. The blog is also a great little stress-reliever, isn't it, when you get comments and all that? It's quite fun! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Those are some great tips to do with the kiddos. In my opinion the 3rd one's the hardest. Mine is 16 months and I still don't feel myself. Hang in there.

Philigry said...

oh, hang in there. i know what you are going through! i am glad you have a craft outlet! can't wait to see more!

Ivy & Mae said...

have fun with your shop!