Wednesday, June 16, 2010

4th of July Decorating

Today I made a little decoration for the 4th with the kids. My daughter was so excited and proud to hang them up. Nothing too special. Just made some lanterns (they are supposed to look like fireworks exploding) and stars from paper I had laying around. Add some ribbon and you're in business. We really love decorating for holidays. The kids love helping with all the different projects!
It's so fun to bond with them and teach them about what traditions we have and what the day is about. I was telling my daughter that the 4th of July is about our country's freedom, but she couldn't get passed the fireworks. So if you ask her what it's about she'll say fireworks. But hey, as a kid, isn't that what it's about?
I know as she grows she'll come to really understand, and be proud to be an American and for our freedom. For now I'm glad that she's proud of her lantern, because I love to see that girl smile!

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