Sunday, November 1, 2009

Reconstruced shirt/sweater Tutorial

Ever since I made the Halloween costumes I've been wanting to sew. Fall starts off my "sewing season" and I am feeling it this year!Making DS's shirt and pants really inspired me. I can do this! So last night I made the girls a two long sleeve shirts and a sweater. I should actually say that I reconstructed them. Two shirts and a sweater from old shirts/sweater of mine. (Ang, recognize the orange stripe one? You gave it to me awhile ago, really cute. . . but I think horizontal stripes look much better on my skinny kids. Hope you don't mind.)
I have to tell you, it really is SO easy. I'm not sure what I was so afraid of before. Sleeves, smeeves. Sometimes I put up "I can't" walls before I even try something. I'm sure it's because the first time I ever sewed anything was my oldest daughter's Cinderella costume a few years ago (with the help of my little sister.) and I didn't understand how to do the sleeves in the written pattern instructions. I'm much more of a visual learner.
I thought that maybe some of you might want to see how I did it, so after I made the two shirts, I took photos to do a tutorial. Of course I had the thought to show you AFTER I made the first cut into the sweater, so just pretend it's not there. ;) Please excuse my unfinished basement floor and paint splattered cutting mat. Here we go:

Find an old shirt or sweater with a small neckline. I found that all my crew neck stuff works really well because I didn't have to alter them at all, they just fit the girls perfectly.

Take a shirt of your child's that you like how it fits on her/him and lay it on top of the folded shirt you are reconstructing. (I fold it because I want to be sure that both sides are the same.)

Cut out the basic shape of the front of the shirt. Make sure to leave a 1/4inch for your sewing allowance.

Take the sleeve and cut out two sleeve shapes using your child's shirt sleeves as your pattern. Again, don't forget the sewing allowance. If you can, Use the finished cuff so that you don't have to finish it yourself. I think it gives it a more polished look. Plus it saves time.

Turn your sleeved and main part of the shirt inside out and sew the point of the shoulders together and then sew down to the armpits. Repeat for both sides.

Now just sew all the way up the side and the underarm on both sides of the shirt.

Almost done. Just hem up the base of your shirt and you've done it! Way to go!!!

If you reconstruct any of you clothes, I'd love to see! I'm going to do some pants soon. Want a tutorial? It's basically the same thing. Just use clothes you have and trace the "pattern" of your kids existing clothes. I'll take pictures if you are a visual learner like me though. Let me know.

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